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Posted December 31, 2021 at 2:08 pm

The Nakamuras wish you a (belated) Happy Holidays!

Anyway, here's an update on the status of this site: Little by little, we are getting ready to repost the old part one. We won't set an exact date on it, as we have another, more fan-based project to get off the floor first before we get back to work on Raison. But it will be within 2022! The fire is back, and we're pumped!

We will continue with simply reposting the old Pt 1 here, but the old Specials will be woven into the main line because they had some important story details in them! Meanwhile, we'll be working on a Pt 2 buffer AND the REMIX Project behind the scenes. When REMIX is done, it'll replace old Pt 1 here but the old version will get its own section to re-read for the curious.

The site itself is still being worked from the beginning, so you probably noticed some missing buttons (TWC, RSS, etc). We'll add those as we get used to working with this template!

Again, thank you so much for your continued support, even during this long, long hiatus. Enjoy these "milestone" pieces Funari also made during 2021 - 7th Anniversary of Raison and the 15th "OCversaries" (aka, how long they've existed, even prior to Raison) of Miko and Sachiko!

Tags: news
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