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Posted December 27, 2022 at 12:00 am

Originally posted December 5th, 2015 with the following commentary:

You know, I really hate drawing buildings.

But I can’t get better at it unless I keep drawing them, so draw them I shall!


Joey-picus writes Having played a lot of Splatoon (/watched my wife play a lot of Splatoon because I am rubbish etc.) lately, I can confidently say that [Chapter 3: Pg 21] is a surrealist squidkid interpretation of The Scream, by Mr. Munch (Edvard, aka Monster, aka Carpet, aka Crunchy).

Well, that’s definitely an interesting way of interpreting it xD Just keep in mind that these flashbacks are in 2004 thus far….which means he must’ve predicted Splatoon. Or maybe he IS one of the people behind its creation! GASP!
