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Posted June 21, 2022 at 12:00 am

Originally posted February 26th, 2015 with the following commentary:

We get to see more of Sachiko’s brother (and her family for that matter. Hi, Uncle Maurice~). And if you ever see this:

<< blah blah blah >>

That pretty much means they’re speaking in the language designated to the particular font used (in this case, it’s the font I use for French) but if it’s the whole convo, I’m sure you’d like to be able to actually understand it! 

[2022 Clarification: These brackets are only used if the default language is something else and a character momentarily slips into this other language. Longtime readers will remember how Ch 6 was in French, but if, say, Yukina needed to voice something in Japanese, the brackets were then used for her lines before she resumed speaking to someone in French. You can find a chart of the fonts in the About page, actually!]
